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Breaking: Heerðeefing on þat rise in þo borouhn folloƿing: Lima, Degtun, Ƿarren and Ƿooster. Sculd man need to fare þiðer, he sculd hide his heer.

Read þat neƿs hiðer.

Cat named Ƿillem stoppeð to þo rosen smel. Þu ƿunt beleef hƿat hie smelt lic! In treƿð, þu ƿilt: hie smelt lic rosen, forðen þo is hƿat hie sind. But neferðeles, hie smelt sƿiðe good and Ƿillem ƿas bliðe. Snapshot þes befallings

Ƿilt to get fandest? Folloƿ þis tie! (undone)